Linux Mint Debian Edition: *Best Cinnamon Rendering*

This is more of a concession to popularity on my part, given I prefer gnome with wayland on Debian stable, but Linux Mint Debian Edition is a powerful and full featured desktop OS which can be modified to do anything within the scope of Debian stable and with some backports added even more. I personally think it is the most useful Cinnamon DE rendering. In some ways of course Cinnamon configuration on Debian can be awkward, and it remains to be seen whether or not it will keep up with Debian’s new trends. I give LMDE Cinnamon a nod here because of its continuing popularity, because its base is Debian stable, and because its developers set very high standards.

Linux Mint Debian Edition desktop.

Linux Mint Debian Edition System Settings under Cinnamon.

LMDE file manager and terminal.

LMDE Cinnamon main menu.

LMDE Qt5 Configuration tool.

Firefox with Startpage as it home page and Remmina.

LMDE login screen.

Linux Lite Fluorite 6.x XFCE

Bunsen Labs Beryllium OpenBox WM

Devuan Chimaera Trinity DE

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